Aransas Woods
CTC 047
Season: Winter, Migration

During “fallouts,” coastal mottes such as Aransas Woods offer food and protection to thousands upon thousands of weary landbirds who might otherwise perish if forced to continue inland to the nearest contiguous forests. Goose Island State Park, Connie Hagar Sanctuary, and Aransas Woods are vital links in the migration chain, and no spring trip to the Texas coast is complete without a visit to these coastal woods. The site contains an observation platform contributed by the family of Robert M. Latimer as a memorial to his interest in the birds of the Texas coast. It overlooks a complex of grassland, oak motte and shallow wetlands, making this site attractive to birds and other wildlife year round.

Rockport-Fulton Area Chamber of Commerce
404 Broadway
Rockport, Texas 78382
visitor@1rockport. org

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