Laguna Atascosa NWR
LTC 024
Season: Winter, Migration

During migration, warblers, Painted Buntings, Summer Tanagers, orioles, and other colorful species come to the birdbath near the Visitors Center. Common Valley species such as White-tipped Dove, Green Jay, Plain Chachalaca, Great Kiskadee, Olive Sparrow, and Long-billed Thrasher are often seen during an early morning or late evening walk. Yellow-green Vireos have nested in this general area. A spotting scope is useful to pick through the myriad of wintering ducks. Most of the world’s Redheads winter on the Laguna Madre, and at times tens of thousands can be seen from this location. Be sure to look for Sandhill Cranes (in winter), and grassland shorebirds such as American Golden-Plover and Upland Sandpiper (spring) in the agricultural fields that border the Refuge.

Laguna Atascoso NWR
P. O. Box 450
Rio Hondo, Texas 78583

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