Rincon Channel Wetland

The 36-acre wetland lies adjacent to Highway 181 within walking distance from popular resorts on Corpus Christi Beach. The user-friendly viewing platforms enhance the educational component of the site and dramatically increase its overall value. The 1,000 plus students that participate in the aquarium’s educational programs each year will visit the overlooks as part of their classroom activities. This hands-on experience reinforces classroom lessons on scientific methods, habitats, wetland soils and the many valuable functions estuaries provide.

Texas coastal wetlands serve as nursery grounds for over 95 percent of the recreational and commercial fish species found in the Gulf of Mexico. They provide breeding, nesting and feeding grounds for more than a third of all threatened and endangered animal species and support many threatened plant species.

With the Rincon Channel Wetland Observation Overlooks, outdoor enthusiasts will have the chance to learn the importance of Texas coastal wetlands and take advantage of this fun, self-guided nature tour.

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