South Bird Island in the Upper Laguna Madre
GPS Coordinates – N 27°29.519' W 97°18.383'

The drop-offs around the spoils on both sides of the intracoastal near South Bird Island are a good place to look for trout in the spring and summer.

A history of fishing reports for Bird Island. Maybe you can find a seasonal pattern or a bait or technique that has worked in the past.

Oct-18-06 • Trout are good on the edges of the Intracoastal on live shrimp and piggy perch near Bird Island.
Oct-19-05 • Trout are good on the edges of the Intracoastal on live shrimp and piggy perch near Bird Island.
Aug-31-05 • Redfish are good near Bird Island on live shrimp and gold spoons.
Oct-20-04 • Trout are good off the Intracoastal on live shrimp and piggy perch near Bird Island.

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