Linnville and Victoria are attacked by the Comanches
Historic Accounts of Life in South Texas
From "The United Service" by T H S Hamersly – Published 1885

On the night of August 4, a large body of between four and five hundred mounted Comanche warriors passed down through the settlements, going south, their trail crossing Plum Creek, near McClure'a Hill, in Caldwell County.

It was immediately discovered, and the news sent to Gonzales by the 6th Couriers were dispatched with all haste to the settlements on the Lavaca and Guadalupe Rivers, to give warning of the approaching danger.

A company of twenty-four men was immediately raised by Captain Ben McCulloch, and went in pursuit of the depredating Indians, who had passed rapidly down and surrounded Victoria, on the evening of the 6th, before the citizens were aware that Indians were in the settlements.

Hastily arming themselves, the inhabitants made a most heroic defense, causing the Indians to retreat without doing any serious damages, except burning a few houses on the outskirts, and carrying off a large number of horses and cattle in the immediate vicinity.

On the following morning the Indians returned, making a second attack on the town; but the citizens were better prepared to give fight, and, after a short skirmish, the Indians again retired, after having set one or two houses on fire.

Not succeeding so well as they expected, the disappointed warriors now left Victoria, crossing the Guadalupe and committing several murders and robberies on their way to Linnville, a small village or trading-point of only five or six houses, on Lavaca Bay.

They entered that place on the morning of the 8th. At this time most of the men were absent from the village. The remainder, on seeing the enemy approaching in such large numbers, supposed them to be a caravan of Mexican traders (who were in the habit of visiting the place) until they had entered the village, which they did riding at full speed, in the shape of a half moon.

Three families fled to the bay, taking refuge in a small sail vessel which happened to be anchored in the harbor near by.

A few of the inhabitants were less fortunate, and were intercepted while endeavoring to reach the vessel. Among others, Major Watts, collector of customs, was shot and killed, and his wife taken prisoner.

The victorious Comanches remained at this place until dark, burning the houses one by one, and destroying such property as they did not wish to carry away, such as cattle, etc. At dark they returned, carrying away with them a number of horses and much other valuable booty.

The number of warriors engaged in the attacks on Victoria and the sacking of Linnville was reckoned to be about four hundred. They killed at Gonzales and Linnville and along their trail between the two places twenty-one persons, and took one lady, Mrs. Watts, prisoner, besides carrying off a large caballada of valuable horses and a considerable amount of goods.

More information on Linnville
The Raid on Linnville
Account of the Raid on Linnville
Linnville (Ghost Town)
Site of the Town of Linnville

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