Indianola in 1850
Historic Accounts of Life in South Texas
From "Texas in 1850" by Melinda Rankin – Published 1852

Indianola, formerly known as Indian Point, is a beautiful and pleasant little city, improving so rapidly during the last twelve months as to attract general attention. It now extends three fourths of a mile along the beach, unlike all other portions of the margin of Matagorda Bay, so remarkable for its beauty and cleanliness as to be the favorite place of resort of the Camanche Indians from time immemorial, on account of the abundance of fresh water, and the wild fruit that grew in its vicinity.

The population is about five hundred. The town is increasing rapidly with every prospect and facility of future importance. The United States Government, after very thorough examination, has removed all its business to this place from Port Lavacca. The government stores intended for San Antonio, Austin, Fredericsburg, Paso del Norte, and the upper frontier posts, are now landed at Indianola. A large amount of shipping is done through its wharves to New Orleans and other ports.

Indianola, from its fine and accessible position on the main land, is destined to be one of the first commercial towns in Texas.

More information on Indianola
Crossing the bar from Indianola
Site of the Town of Indianola
Indianola in 1857

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