Goliad in 1877
Historic Accounts of Life in South Texas
From "Early Times in Texas" by J. C. Duval – Published 1892

Goliad, at the time . we arrived there, contained a population of about two thousand Mexicans who were professedly friendly to the Texans, but who afterwards, when Santa Anna invaded the country, proved to be their most vindictive foes. I must, however, make an exception in favor of the "Senor-itas,"who generally preferred the blue-eyed, fair complexioned young Saxons to their copper-colored beaux.

Goliad is situated on the south side of the San Antonio river, about forty miles above its mouth, and ninety-five miles below the city of San Antonio. The American town of Goliad, built up since the war, is situated nearly opposite the old town, on the north side of the river. After the defeat of Santa Anna, the great majority of the inhabitants of the old town abandoned the place and went to Mexico.

When I last saw it, in 1877, its population had dwindled down to one or two hundred miserable "peons" and most of the a jacals" or huts were gone. The Old Mission, with its dilapidated walls, half a dozen stone tenements and a few adobe houses alone remained to designate the spot where once had stood the old town of Goliad. .

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