The Animal Rehabilitation Keep (ARK) rehabilitates birds, especially aquatic birds, sea turtles, terrestrial turtles and tortoises. The ARK also deals with stranded (dead) sea turtles and marine mammals through our long association with the national and state stranding networks (Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network [STSSN] and the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Netwok [TMMSN]).
It is our mission to: • Rescue and rehabilitate wildlife found sick or injured in the area adjacent to and including Mustang, San Jose, and Padre Islands, including the Mission-Aransas National Research Reserve, Corpus Christi Bay and the Upper Laguna Madre. • Release those animals that recover back to their native habtat. • Educate the public about the problems of local wildlife and the increasing human population and development of our coastal area. • Increase our knowledge through association with veterinarians and professional societies of how to treat, house, and release our animal patients using up-to-date wildlife rehabilitation techinques to increase our release success rates. • Improve our facilities so that we can safely house and treat turtles and birds year-round, independent of seasonal climate changes.
Tours are conducted periodically. Call 361-749-6741 for more information.