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Marker 9 Rocks in Baffin Bay

Pelicans on a reef

GPS Coordinates - N 27°16.069' W 97°27.334'

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The Marker 9 Rocks are off the Kenedy Shoreline and are good for trout and redfish year-round.

The rocks around Baffin Bay are actually serpulid reefs. These reefs were formed from the calcareous tubes of serpulid worms. Formation of the reefs began about 3,000 years ago and ended about 300 years ago.

Although the reefs are no longer growing, the hard worm tubes remain resistant to attack by waves and are dangerous to boaters unaware of their locations. The tops of the reefs are commonly at or just below the water surface; water depths around the reefs are generally 2 to 3 feet.

These reefs offer protection to many different species and are a favorite spot of local fishermen.

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